Scope & Sequence Possibilities

For All Twelve Years​

“Geometry and Algebra are sister sciences, and it is impossible to understand much of either without the assistance of the other; is it not therefore naturally wise to study them together from the first?”

(P.G. O’Connell, Algebra Through Geometry)

At Beauty and Truth Math, we want our students to…

  • Grow in wonder and awe at the truths of math that reflect the Creator. 
  • Care about math and enjoy the grand pursuit of mathematical truths. 
  • Build habits of attention, accuracy, curiosity, precision, reasoning, and truthfulness. 
  • Use their mathematical knowledge and skills to love God and others.

One goal of a Charlotte Mason math education is to lay a solid foundation for students to build on. As their knowledge grows, new math topics (also called streams) are introduced.

  • Arithmetic is the first math stream. Students spend the first year in Elementary Arithmetic exploring numbers 1-100. They use a variety of objects and activities, going from the concrete to the abstract. As students progress, this stream ends up including consumer math, finance, and statistics.
  • Geometry is the second stream that is introduced. This stream begins with students doing hands-on geometry investigations in Practical Geometry. 
  • Algebra is the final stream, and it begins with Elementary Algebra. This allows students to use concrete objects to explore Pre-Algebra concepts. Eventually, the geometry and algebra streams converge into Trigonometry and Pre-Calculus.

We are persuaded that learning math with concurrent streams is the best way to spread a broad feast. Students gain a solid and in-depth knowledge of each topic because there are no breaks (years off). This continuity provides more time to delve into concepts since less time is spent on review. The three streams keep lessons varied and interesting each week. They also show the unity and overlap between each math topic.

Below is one scope and sequence option for students. It represents ONLY one way that students could do a Charlotte Mason math education. This is not the ONLY way to do it. The possibilities are based on when students begin Practical Geometry and Elementary Algebra. 

There should be no gaps in the student’s knowledge. They begin with what they know and advance from there.

No two students are alike. The beauty of a Charlotte Mason math education is its ability to adapt to each student. The upper years provide ample opportunities to equip students for after high school. As we continue to research and create guides, these options may be modified or added to.